Umbrella Dance fine art photograph, 16in h x 20in w
Dianne’s interest in photography began in college where she took a black and white photography and darkroom course. Weekend retreats with her husband in the 1970’s provided an interesting locale to expand her interest in photography. It was in this environment that photography became a passion. She began to notice differences in the intensity of color, lines and forms in subjects as the light changed. That sense of awe and wonder continues to be present with each photograph attempting to capture a frozen moment.
Dianne often exhibits with the Coastal and CT Valley Camera Clubs and has received many intra club award ribbons. A First Place and Best in Show was received at the 2014 CT Flower Show. In 2016 she received a First Place in the Artistic category at the UCONN Stamford Photography Show, First Place at the Audubon Society, “Our Natural World” exhibit. In 2018 one of her photos was accepted in the Glennie Nature Salon, an international online competition. Out of 2,500 submissions, she was the winner in the category, “People in the Wildlife Garden Young Habitat” in the 2018 Garden for Wildlife Photo Contest, by the National Wildlife Federation.
Roberts photography in currently exhibited at Spectrum Gallery, Centerbrook, Connecticut.