Jeanette Delmore

Portfolio Categories: Paintings.

Autumn Ablaze, watercolor, 6.25in h x10.5in w

Inspired to express the beauty she saw in the New England landscape, Jeannette began painting in oils in Springfield, Massachusetts in the 70’s.

Jeannette enjoyed the honor of accepting awards including, “Best of Show” in the Greater Hartford Open. During this period, she was commissioned by Better Homes and Gardens to design for their needlework magazine. Before her move to the Midwest, she pursued fine art studies at The University of Massachusetts. Focusing on pastel portraiture, she enjoyed accepting commissions for her work, especially taking delight in working with children.

Delmore began to experiment with watercolor. She found that the flow and mystery of the medium allowed her to express more fully the beauty, innocence, and transcendent nature of children.

Jeannette has participated in many juried shows. She is an elected member of the Madison Art Society, a member of the Lyme Art Association and the American Watercolor Society. She has been represented by the White Space Gallery in New Haven, Spectrum Gallery in Centerbrook, Connecticut and other local galleries.

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