Daniel Dahlstrom

Portfolio Categories: Paintings.

Seagull Flying over Churning Waters, oil, 16in h x 26in w

Dan Dahlstrom is a Connecticut native, raised in Essex, Connecticut and worked in the family decorating business for many years, and currently resides in Chester, Connecticut.

Dahlstrom, an award-winning artist, has studied at the prestigious Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts. Dan often paints scenes of his beloved Chester, the Connecticut River, Long Island Sound, and the surrounding vistas of the beautiful countryside of New England. He enjoys working “en plein air” and in his studio.

Dan has given art instruction at assisted living facilities, convalescent homes, to individual students, and clubs.

Dan holds numerous art memberships and belongs to the Middlesex, CT Chamber of Commerce. His work has been accepted into many local juried shows, including the Lyman Allyn Art Museum in New London, Connecticut. Many of his paintings are on exhibition or have been exhibited at galleries, libraries, and several places of business, including Spectrum Gallery in Centerbrook, Connecticut, the Connecticut State Capitol, and the Atrium Gallery at the Connecticut Department of Transportation.

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